How a Youth guy became a Kids Guy

Dear Parents of TheDeep & Kids Min Fam,

I wanted to share with you all something very neat with you. As many of you know, I’ve been blessed to operate as the Kids’ Pastor here at The Healing Place since February 2009! It has been a fantastic time for me and our kids. Granted it was a bit strange for everyone at first.

I first felt a call to youth ministry back when I was still in high school. I had been very active in our youth ministry, FewZion Youth Ministries, pretty much the entire time I was in high school & even on my breaks during college. By God’s grace I was able to attend Southwestern Assemblies of God University to receive further training in the scriptures & in youth ministry.

When I graduated in May of 2008 I came home to serve as the Media Director while I searched for my place as a youth pastor. I applied to many different places, several of which looked very promising. Yet God kept closing door after door. Not going to lie it was kind of discouraging.

Around the December 2008 a young lady came into our youth group. I had been close to her family in the past and was excited to see her again. I told her that before she left to let me know because I wanted to be able to come down and say hi to her family. When I came down stairs I was shocked to see her mom and younger siblings all sitting in the lobby while our interim pastor was preaching.

When I asked what was going on they said “well you guys don’t have anything for the kids on Wednesday nights.” I was in shock! I had no idea that we didn’t have a program for them. Over the next few weeks I started to take a little extra look at what exactly we had going on for our kids. During this time God started to deal with me; speaking very clearly, “if you don’t like it, what are you going to do about it.”

I struggled with this because I know in my heart of hearts that I’m called to work with youth! I’d trained to work with youth. I knew nothing about kids. In fact I was scared to work with kids because I was afraid I was going to break them! But still this desire to work with them started to grow. Couple of weeks later the deacons came to me, asking if I’d pick up our Kids’ Ministry and build it up. I could not say no. Thus began this great adventure that I’ve been on for the last several years.

About 6 months ago God started dealing with me about my first passion, the youth. I started to feel a pull back to youth ministry, specifically the youth ministry here at THP. After much time and prayer I sat down and spoke with my pastor about this tugging in my spirit. Pastor and I talked about it for a bit and then he revealed to me that the Lord had been speaking the same thing to him & Pastor Matt (present youth pastor).

With all that said, dear friends, I’m here to inform you that this is my last post on this blog. Starting last night I am now the Youth Pastor at The Healing Place in Shreveport, LA. I’m proud to say my dear friends Dana & Corey Van Noppen have stepped into the TheDeep and will be running it from here on out.

Go Deep,

Dallas Mora

What’s the Goal

This weeks’ Reading Challenge
(5/30/12 – 6/6/12)
John 4


In verse 34 Jesus says “My food is to do what the one who sent Me wants and to bring His work to completion.” (JNTP) So often we get bogged down with the here and now. Our current situation, the way things look, the way things are. Jesus wasn’t saying He wasn’t physically hungry but rather that at that moment He saw steps to the completion of His Father’s work and it gave Him the strength to keep going.

We need to keep in mind the goal. The goal is revealed in John 6:40 (we’ll get to it in more detail in a few weeks) which says that the Father’s will is “that everyone who looks on the son and believes in Him should have eternal life..” This goal os seeing people won to the Lord, seeing Lives completely changed by the power of Jesus Christ should be the main thing that keeps us going and keeps us strong in our walk with God.

Discussion Questions

What was it like for you when you first became a Christian?
What do you think it would be like to lead someone in a prayer for salvation?
How would you tell people about Jesus?

Simple Gospel

Reading challenge

John 3


Here we have a “ruler” of the Jews named Nicademus coming to Jesus in secret at night. The purpose of this late night meeting was for Nicademus to question Jesus, get to know him better. It is in this backdrop that Jesus gives Nicademus a very simple clear explanation of the Gospel.

Simply put God loves us that He sent His son to earth so that everyone who trusts in Him will have eternal life… meaning they will go to heaven instead of Hell.  How amazing is that! An almighty all creating being loves us so much that he made it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins and go to heaven; all by simply trusting in His son.


What is the gospel?

How do we become Christians?

What do you think it means to trust in God’s son?

Deadline for Mixtape coming up!

Attention Christian Rock bands, Techno Artist, Hip Hop Artist, Folk bands, Jazz Bands, Reggae Bands, and whatever other styles that is out there! How would you like to have free exposer, win $100, and help raise money for a kids’ camp called Hero Academy!?

Hero Academy is a kids’ camp in Shreveport, LA aimed to reach local kids with the love and power of Jesus Christ! What’s one thing every kids’ camp needs? Music! We are looking for original up beat fun, exciting, and biblically sound music to play during Hero Academy. We will be selling a CD of all the tracks submitted to us. The CD will have information all the bands who submit music with links to websites, twitters, and facebooks!

The band that submits the song that’s voted number 1 on our Hero Academy Website will get $100! As an added bonus if the band is located in the Shreveport/Bossier City area we will make a free music video for you!

If you are interested contact me at and I will email you back ASAP! Deadline for all songs is June 14th 2012!

Note to Parents & Reactions to Christ

Dear Parents,
As you may know, we are in the process of making our own THP Wednesday Night Curriculum. While we work on it we will be doing a study on the book of John. The information I will be sending home with the children comes from a blog called Eternal Disciples.

Eternal Disciples is a blog started by Brandon McAnelly and I, some time ago. It started off as a way to help him to gather his thoughts and communicate what he has learned from the scriptures. You can view this blog by going to You are also invited to make comments on it.

Each week I will select one of the commentaries off the site and reformat it for a take home study guide. This will be a great tool and resource for you and your child’s personal study time. I would like to encourage you to take time out of each week to sit down with your child to read through the chapter and then go over the home study guide.

Be Blessed during this great journey through the book of John!


This weeks’ Reading Challenge

(5/9/12 – 5/16/12)
John 1


Everyone has a reaction to Christ. Some positive, some negative. John chapter 1 shows a variety of responses to the new that Jesus is the Christ. The first two men immediately followed after hearing that Jesus was the promised messiah. In Andrew, the news of the Messiah instantly birthed a spirit of evangelism in him. Some like, like Nathan, are skeptical at first and must have a firsthand experience with the Lord to believe.

Notice it was nothing that John or Phillip did that made their friends/disciples saved. It was simply testifying and pointing people towards the Christ. Too often we as Christians carry such a heavy burden about the salvation of those around us. Yes we should be mission oriented and share our faith every chance we get. Yes we should be concerned about our friends and family. But remember this; it’s NOT your job to get people saved. It’s the work of the Holy Ghost that saves men. Your only job is to share the truth.

Discussion Questions

What was your first reaction to the gospel?
Why do you think some people have a hard time believing in Jesus?
How would you tell people about Jesus?